Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Finishing up maps today and do a print out to view them on paper -
Meeting with Matt and Drew to go over the maps-
Adding in:
a. Neatline
b. Legend
c. Scale
d. North Arrow

*in order to edit the legend to be as you want - go into 'style' under 'legend items' (added description and legend title)

Not adding in neatline, legend, etc. Drew is doing that in photoshop
When sending data to Drew add both a River/Lakes map as well as one without.

1. Added in all of the islands to the layers
2. Fixed the Smoothed St. John River to match up with outline of Maine - split the features of a copy of the state along with the smoothed river and merged the two together.
3. Save and send copies.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Acid Rain - projection

The data was sent by Eric over the weekend - different data set
Opened the data into blank arcmap -
1. tool box
a. data management
b. projections and transformations
c. raster
d. project raster

Input Coordinate System - Albert's Equal Area conic for EPA (suggests that projection has been found in original data)
Output - NAD1983, UTM 19

Eric mentioned that we should use 'Nearest Neighbor' and this option was preselected.
Created Raster - converting image over to polygon - still a lot of data to try and manage

Exported Map into Photoshop as .TIF
Used Magic wand to select gray color
Under 'Select' option -'Modify' - 'Expand' - '2 pixels'
Deselected Anti-Aliased and Contiguous to remove gray boarder - however the smoothed option creates a different impression of acid rain in Maine than compared to the original.

States and Provinces:
Exported out data for States and Provinces (minus Maine in the 'States' data)
Created new features along the boundaries merged two pieces together
Clipped the features to the state of Maine (make sure to select 'discard' area that intersects)
Grayed and Whitened the areas/boundaries

Friday, May 7, 2010

Acid Rain

Having issues with trying to create Acid Rain map -
Matt called Eric Miller (Ecosystems Research Group, Inc.) - data is being sent in another format - hopefully we can convert the data (Idrisi) easily into ARCMap.

New data will be produced in about three weeks to have updated data of acid rain sensitivity for 2018 (based on pollution control measure already researched).